Wednesday 28 August 2013

Wednesday Weigh-In 28 August

I'm going to start this article by telling you something you really don't want to know. Summer has pretty much come and gone. Ok, we're still getting some nice sporadic sunshine, but the days are visibly getting shorter and September is coming up in a flash. Sorry to depress you but that is rather how it is. Hope you enjoyed it while it lasted.

When looking back over the past three months, I'm pretty proud of what I've achieved. When I got on the scales for my weigh-in on 29 May, the diet was going south. My weight was shooting upwards again and there was a danger that this very public attempt at weightloss was going to peter out into nothing. I was 17st 6lb, fairly demotivated and downright annoyed at having let things slip after a good start to the year.

I was very clear about what was needed at that time 'Consume less, exercise more, lose weight.' A pretty simple equation but one that is not so easy to implement. 13 weeks later I can look back with a large chunk of satisfaction for making it happen.

Consume less - that is probably the easiest bit. I've stayed pretty tightly to my daily plan of cereal, healthy salad, good size main evening meal. With alcohol removed at least 6 days a week and drunk in smaller quantities when I've allowed a tipple, plus near removal of bread, there can be no doubt that my calorie intake has dropped. Good!

Exercise more - I knew when I started out in January that exercise would make or break my goal. In the early part of the year I wasn't motivated, but pulled on my trainers a couple of times in May for some light jogging, followed by heavy wheezing. For whatever reason, I found that I enjoyed it. Sure it was blimming hard in those early days but things progressed. I've had lunchtime dates with a treadmill on average three times a week, and the last 8 Saturday mornings have been spent participating in 5k ParkRuns. I've even signed up for a 10k in a few weeks time. Another box ticked.

Runner 1226 ready for action!
And so where does that leave me on the weightloss front. Well, in a pretty good place actually. 17st 6lb 13 weeks ago, now weighing in at 15st 10lb. 3lbs shed this week. 24lbs gone during the summer, 38lbs in total for the year, with a tantalising 3lbs left to go before I hit target weightloss. Proof that when applied correctly, the equation works.

Been another very good week

So for me it has been a great summer. The good weather, family holiday and The Ashes have been a welcome bonus, but as the autumn draws in I'll be reflecting on a period where I've taken great strides into making 2013 Year Of The Diet.

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