Wednesday 7 August 2013

Wednesday Weigh-In 7 August

This weekend marks five very happy years of marriage. Although my goal for the year was to get down to wedding day weight, I am a touch disappointed that I've not managed to hit that target by the time of our anniversary. Still, hopefully my other half will accept me as I am - she puts up with most of my other faults!

The Wednesday Weigh-In has been kind for the third week running. Last week the scales balanced at 16st 4lb. This week there is another small loss. Slow and consistent, it isn't exactly a thrilling way to lose weight but it is effective. It just feels like a whole lot more work is going into shifting 1lb than it was earlier in the process. The fact that the scales keep moving though is good. It is so much less motivating when things don't happen.

lb by lb - the weight is shifting
My running continues to go well. Last Saturday I had hoped to dip under 28 minutes having run 28:02 the week before. Imagine my surprise then when I not only managed to do that but also went into sub-27 minute territory, finishing in 26:52. I knew the time was going to be pretty quick, based on using the RunKeeper app for the first time doing the 5k. I didn't quite set it up right however, so the GPS didn't work. This had a somewhat negative effect in that the phone told me every five minutes that I had run 0km at 0km/h. Fortunately enough the 5 minute intervals came about at times when I was passing the 1km, 2km and 3km markers, which meant I knew I was running closer to gym pace. This meant that even with the last 2k going a touch slower, I was going to break my previous best. It was very satisfying when the official result came through and I had indeed smashed it.

I may have been getting a little carried away with the ParkRun lark, as I found myself on Saturday night looking for locations near to where I'll be going for a short break with my family. While my enthusiasm to keep going and striving to improve my fitness is admirable, my wife was right to point out that putting a run ahead of family time while we're away is not the right priority. So it looks like I'll be having a Saturday morning off!

On the weightloss front, I'm going to have to show patience. Getting under 16st is tantalisingly close but yet it may take a while to get under. Still, I'd much rather be where I am now that I was a couple of months back, seeing the numbers going the wrong way and minimal exercise taking place, It is strange to think that less than three months ago I hadn't been on a treadmill for a couple of years. Now I'm a regular 5k runner. Quite amazing what you can make your body do when you put your mind to it.
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