Wednesday 31 July 2013

Wednesday Weigh-In 31 July

So the end of July rolls by and we're about to hit the last five months of 2013. Going by quickly, eh? It means I've been doing this now for 7 months with some degree of success, though the diet has certainly had its ups and downs. The long term view though has been good, with more that 2 stones shed since January 2nd, and it is important to take stock on what has happened over a lengthy period rather than zero in on individual days.

With that in mind I'm not going to admonish myself for a typically gluttonous visit to my mother's house at the weekend. I knew what to expect before I got there, and demonstrated scant regard for self-restraint. Fruitcake, pizza, burgers, cheese, crusty bread, cheesecake. You name it, I ate it. Still, that sort of behaviour doesn't happen often and so pigging out once in a while won't affect my long term goals.

In the short term, well things don't seem to have hurt. Last week I weighed in at 16st 5lbs. This week I am 1lb lighter. All things considered, that is a great result. Another lb bites the dust!

I notched up my 4th 5k run on Saturday, again improving my PB which now stands at 28:02. The hope for the coming Saturday is to dip below 28 minutes for the first time. If I can continue to chip away at my time, whilst shedding the occasional lb or two, I'm going to be a very happy man.

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