Wednesday 10 July 2013

Wednesday Weigh-In 10 July

Not a whole lot to be excited about so far as the weigh-in goes today. After a number of weeks of seeing the numbers go backwards, this week they've flatlined. Considering the food and drink excess of the weekend that I described yesterday, this doesn't come as much of a surprise and I've certainly no complaints. 

Apologies for the sideways shot - No Gain
So the positive spin is that I've still lost 12lbs over the past 6 weeks, I've completed a 5k run and according to one colleague at least, I'm visibly slimmer. No need to change what I'm doing at the moment then, just carry on with what has served me well to date. 

The first challenge of the week comes today when there is a buffet lunch available at a meeting I have at work. Restraint in the face of a table full of food is not one of my strong points! On Friday lunchtime I know I will be eating out ahead of a meeting and have already been carefully running my eye over the menu so that I have a good idea of what to get, rather than find myself plumping for a giant mixed grill or something equally daft. A bit of forward planning never hurts.

Without a birthday to justify diet breaking this week, I'm hoping to get down to 16st 6lb ahead of next week's weigh-in. That would mean 2 stone have been lost since the start of the year and then I can focus on shedding the last 13lb of my original 41lb weightloss target. All being well I'll be doing my second 5k ParkRun on Saturday morning and will be interested to see my progress on the initial run last weekend. If anybody fancies joining me, head to Black Park ahead of a 9am start and register online at
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