Wednesday 29 May 2013

Wednesday Weigh-In 29 May

So, let's do this with minimal spin. I'm ballooning!

Don't blame the scales
The number on the bathroom scales is not unfriendly. It is a fair reflection of the fact I've been letting things go for a number of weeks now. Almost five months into Year Of The Diet and my net weightloss is 1 stone. My aim for the year was 41 lbs. After a promising start, things have regressed pretty badly of late, and that is entirely down to me.

I could write about new beginnings. Picking up the pieces. Whatever cliche takes your fancy. Ultimately weight management is my own personal responsibility. I know how I've lost weight before, and I know only too well how easy it is to gain. The phrase I'm going to go with is Back to the Primitive - a nice little track by Soulfly which I plan to listen to every morning to offer motivation - which is essentially what I need to do.

Consume less. Exercise more. Lose weight.

A very simple equation. A pity that it is so much easier to do the reverse.

So, with today being my first at getting Back to the Primitive, my day so far has included Shredded Wheat, Cup-A-Soup and 30 minutes of huffing and puffing on a treadmill. A pretty sight it does not make but needs must.

Reach for the inhaler people - it is wheeze o'clock
I enjoyed my Magners last night, but that was the last drop of alcohol I plan to consume for at least the next three weeks. Remove that, the muffins, the cheeky bags of crisps, the slide of bread while cooking dinner and all the various little extras and I'll be on my way.

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