Tuesday 28 May 2013

Last Cup of Sorrow

It is probably no coincidence that the second most prolific day of the week for me in writing for this blog (after Wednesday weigh-in) is a Tuesday, so that I can my excuses in nice and early. All good intentions for the past week rather got blown out of the water as the Bank Holiday Weekend descended into a first class example of over-indulgence.

It is a shame really as things had got off to such a good start. Buoyed by the sight of unfriendly numbers during last week's Wednesday weigh-in, I made a couple of trips to the gym and picked up my running intensity. Meal sizes were restrained and snacks left in the cupboard. But as is so often the case when trying to be proactive about weight management, life intervenes.

On Friday morning I was up at some ungodly hour. Breakfast should never be eaten when the clock begins with the number 5, but circumstances dictated an early start. One commute and several hours of medical appointment later, which wasn't without it's moments of mild panic and concern, I found myself walking down Denmark Hill towards Camberwell feeling stupidly hungry and surrounded by the welcoming sight of Nandos, Subway and Pizza Hut. Which did I choose? Well none of the above. My tuna and cucumber wraps prepared at stupid o'clock would do nicely. But then before my long overdue picnic in a London car park, a detour into Morrisons brought me face to face with the devil.

During the morning, I'd received tweets from the Placement Officer fraternity encouraging me to get involved with #MuffinFriday - and lo and behold I did. This little badboy was added to my lunch

Cherry, chocolate, cream, calories!
Now in isolation, I think this would have been just reward for an early start, commute into town and stressful stop/start journey home on a damp Friday afternoon, caught up in half term/Bank Holiday traffic. However, that sort of mentality inevitably had the domino effect and the rest of the long weekend was filled with that lethal combination of minimal activity, excess food consumption and a few pints a night to round things off.

It is therefore pretty safe to assume that the scales tomorrow morning will not be terribly favourable. Even my effort today at going to the gym in my lunch break was thwarted by my stupidity in walking there from the office in torrential rain only to discover when I got there that I'd left my membership card back in my pedestal. The walk back in the rain, combining with the tighter feel of my clothing after the weekend excess only served up a stew of negativity and gave me a lame excuse not to march back to the gym.

Tonight, I know I have one last bottle of Magners which is currently chilling in the freezer. I've just enjoyed some summer trifle and will be washing that down shortly with the fizzy apple stuff. The scales tomorrow will provide a new baseline to move forward from and I'll be flicking that diet switch. I'm going to enjoy my last hurrah, then it is high time I got #YearOfTheDiet back on track.
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