Wednesday 22 May 2013

Wednesday Weigh-In - 22 May

Ever notice how the minute you start taking a diet seriously you are inundated with stuff encouraging you to say 'to hell with this'? I'm back on the diet and yet almost straight away my email is bombed with messages from Pizza Hut, Prezzo and Toby Carvery. Thanks guys, that is a big help.

I'm waking up this Wednesday morning feeling pretty stiff. Yesterday's trip to the gym has left me with heavy legs, while my back and shoulders have a certain soreness to them which I expect to linger throughout the day. This rather puts a dent in my plans to head back to the gym again today for another session with the treadmill, but I suppose I can give myself today to recover from the shock of physical exercise and head back there on Thursday instead.

Unfortunately heading back onto the scales has shown me that the last month of diet relaxation has resulted in quite a drastic weight gain. Whereas on 17 April is stood at 16st 10lb, just over a month later I'm half a stone heavier. Considering my ambition for 2013 was to lose 41lbs, it is somewhat disappointing that at 5 months in I've managed less than half the target.

Scales looking as bad as my toes after last month's sponsored walk
Guess it is time to knuckle down and revert to the basics which have worked for me in yesteryear. Regular trips to the gym will help - then it is just a question of reintroducing a measure of control for food and drink consumption. Sounds easy when typing it out! I'll have to borrow a typical football manager cliche and say I'll just have to take it one day at a time, and see how that pans out come next Wednesday.
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