Wednesday 17 April 2013

Wednesday Weigh-In - 17 April

Another Wednesday, another weigh-in. Fortunately things continue to move in the right direction.

Less than last week
So, 2lbs lost since last week, and back down to my lowest weight of the year. If I can do something about my ridiculous food intake at weekends I think I could have lost a bit more too, but can't really complain. It would be better to balance things out a bit more so I'm not stuffing my face with crisps and cake on a Sunday only to follow up with porridge during the week, but if is working, why not.

This weekend will be a bit different as there will be quite a bit more exercise than usual. The 15 mile walk will be good for burning some calories while getting my off my backside and being active.  This level of exercise will be an exception rather than the norm, but will hopefully inspire me to pull on my joggers and work towards that 10k I've promised to enter before the end of the year. With the weather slowly improving and the days getting longer, I've run out of excuses so time for some positive action.

I've heard my sister is looking to shed a few lbs and is back running. A bit of sibling rivalry could be good motivation, and having watched from a distance as she went from never running a mile to completing the London Marathon in a fairly short space of time, I (not so) secretly admire her. I'm not sure I'll ever get to that level of fitness to compete, but it would be nice to perhaps do a shorter run at some point, no doubt bickering throughout the course.

Having got back to 16st 10lb my target for this week is simply to lose weight in the next 7 days. Seeing the lbs column drop into single digits would be a welcome boost. Hopefully come next week that is what I'll be staring at on Wednesday morning,
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