Wednesday 5 June 2013

Wednesday Weigh-In - 5 June

Having been completely on the ball with my diet over the past 7 days, I would have been pretty annoyed if I hadn't seen positive movement on the scales this morning. I have to say I am pleased to have been rewarded for my efforts. Last week the scales read 17st 6lb. Today, well you can see for yourselves.

Going to start with a 16 next week!
All that talk about going back to the primitive was put into action. Breakfast, lunch, dinner. No alcohol. Barely a snack (I treated myself to a Smarties ice cream from the freezer on Sunday night for having got through the rest of the weekend intact). Add in more exercise than I'd done the previous month and the standard diet formula of eat less sweat more has proven very effective.

To move forward from here, I can't rest on my laurels. Proving I can stick to a diet for 1 week is fine in the short term, but my long term goal is still way off in the distance. I need to build upon this success and ensure I apply the same principles next week and the weeks to come. I know that it is unlikely I will replicate the same dramatic weightloss every time, but I'm motivated by the longer game rather than instant results.

Immediate challenges on the horizon present themselves in the form of a networking event this afternoon in London (will I have a drink, won't I? No chance to hit the gym today) plus my nephew has a birthday and I'm off to a BBQ and I've never yet been able to manage to ration myself sensibly when there are plates of charcoaled meat to consume.

However, enough about the future. I will take a moment or two to feel smug for meeting what I set out to achieve this week. The diet is back with a vengeance, and this time I'm not going to let things slip.
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