Monday 20 January 2014

Twiddling my thumbs isn't much fun

It has been a frustrating few days. Having felt rough most of Thursday I thought I was on the mend on Friday and hopeful of getting a long run in over the weekend. Instead, I woke Saturday morning barely able to get out of bed. I'd already agreed not to do parkrun because of my wife's work commitment, but even if I had been able to go there was no chance I'd have made it. Thankfully the boys obliged in letting me have a quiet day.

By Sunday I was feeling a touch more human and looked through the window at the winter sunshine longingly. Despite not being at my best I weighed up the choice to run or not. When I reached a decision to give it a go, I quickly realised my limitations. Walking up the stairs to grab my running gear resulted in a coughing fit so violent that I would not have been surprised to find a piece of lung in my hand afterwards. Wisely, I stayed put.

Today I've been to work and felt ten times better than at any point over the weekend. I wanted to run, and probably could have managed a short distance, but in doing so the likelihood is I would have set myself back further. With 2 months to go until the half marathon, as much as I want to get out there building up stamina, I can't afford a week in bed through forcing my body into oblivion.

A restful night this evening and all being well I'll resume training tomorrow. Twiddling my thumbs isn't much fun, but the bigger picture requires me fighting fit.

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