Wednesday 22 January 2014

Wednesday Weigh-In 22 January

It has been just over a week since I last ran. Whatever germs took over my body at the weekend seem to have drained away, though I've been left with a residual cough that has hampered my ambitions for evening exercise. With any luck I'll be able to pound the mean streets of Slough in the next day or two, but my inactivity over the past week has been incredibly frustrating.

Diet wise, I'm at a bit of a loss to know how things have progressed over the past 7 days. Whilst feeling rough I ate more than I normally would. Regaining familiarity with toast is a dangerous development, as I could quite easily polish off half a loaf is so inclined. Good job there is no marmite in the house otherwise it would be a full loaf!

I feel bad for making Bart write my lines for me
So my weight this Wednesday morning is......... a bit of a Scooby Doo mystery. The scales weren't playing ball this morning, refusing to reset to zero. I couldn't find a spare battery, although I know I have one lying around somewhere. I'm sure it wasn't that long ago I put a new one into the scales so I'm a little baffled why they weren't working today. My instinct tell me I may have gained a pound or two, but equally having been off form and fighting off whatever lurgies were bothering me, I could have gone the other way.

Wednesday Weigh-In - Brought to you by Subtitles
So no running. No recorded weight. Lots of coughing and the small matter of 2 months to go until my half-marathon. I'm not sure I can have to many more weeks like this if I want to achieve my goals.


  1. Hope you are feeling fighting fit next week

  2. If you've been unwell maybe the faulty scales wasn't such a bad thing, a twist of fate maybe. Get well and worry about it next week x

  3. I am glad to hear the lurgy has been banished! I am hoping you find your battery soon :-)

  4. Sorry to read you've been ill. Don't beat yourself up over needing some comfort, everybody does it sometimes!

  5. Goodness me, I love toast too. Seeded whole meal with peanut butter. Glad you're feeling a bit better and hopefully the scales will behave next week :)

  6. Thanks for all the comments everyone :)

  7. Glad to hear you are feeling better. The toast is indeed a worthy adversary...
