Thursday 16 January 2014

Step Away From The Rabbit Food

Today I took my youngest to see his neurosurgeon. 11 months into his life and many, many medical appointments later, this shouldn't have felt particularly out of the ordinary. But this morning as we fought through commuter traffic to get into London, something was different. I felt rotten and the last place I wanted to be was crawling through the roadworks on Hammersmith Flyover.

Needs must though. As a parent you have to do what is right for your children, and while this always promised to be a routine appointment, there was a never a thought about cancelling. True to form, the appointment barely lasted 10 minutes, which after an hour and a half journey into town, hour of waiting and more than an hour of journey home seems like an awful lot of effort for very little reward. Fact is, a short session with a neuro is a positive outcome, and so we continue to get on with our lives until the next time.

By the time I got to work, I was feeling worse. My body felt fatigued, perhaps a delayed reaction to my run on Tuesday night. A chesty cough troubled me from time to time and I found it difficult to concentrate at my desk. It rapidly became clear that this was not going to be a day for the diet and I needed to step away from the rabbit food. I had plenty of sugary pick-me-ups and got through the afternoon before getting back into dad mode.

It is important when dieting to recognise when to put things on hold. If feeling under the weather, your body needs to heal and that may mean dosing up on comfort food. The best way to achieve weight loss is taking a long term view, so a little bit of sugar in the short term to help get over temporary ailments isn't going to hurt.

Today I could justify chunky KitKats and the like, but I'll be back on form again soon.

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