Saturday 16 November 2013

The Fantastic 4

De La Soul proclaimed that 3 is The Magic Number. If you don't believe me, listen for yourself.

However, I'm starting to believe there is something a lot more special about the number 4. Here is why.

In my last weigh-in, I had lost 4 pounds

In doing so, my cumulative weightloss for 2013 passed 4 stone

It has been 4 months since I made my ParkRun debut, back in July

Today I recorded my best placing, crossing the line number 104

I set a new PB today of 24:15, shaving 44 seconds off my previous best.

Coincidentally, it was the 4th event of the #ChaseThePlace contest, keeping me in the hunt for a place on the Lucozade Sport London Marathon team. In recording a PB today, I'll have two entries in the hat, assuming I run the next 4 ParkRun weekends.

This afternoon, my sister insisted I needed to eat chocolate because I am getting too thin, and so I enjoyed 4 little toblerones.

4 years ago, in the post-Christmas sale I bought a pair of 34 inch jeans, with a view to fitting into them once I lost my Christmas podge. They have spent the last 4 years gathering dust in my wardrobe. I've been very smugly wearing them today for the first time.

So there we go. 3 may be The Magic Number, but this evening, I'm pretty happy associated with The Fantastic 4.

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1 comment:

  1. Amazing job Grimey! You are righteous in your smugness xxx
