Thursday 14 November 2013

I would go out tonight but I haven't got a stitch to wear

Wow. I don't know about you but I certainly noticed the drop in temperature the last couple of days. I guess winter is upon us and we'll have to get used to more mornings of scraping ice off the windscreen. The cold snap rather took me by surprise and when I waved off my wife and little one Wednesday morning, I was hit by a moment of panic. It was chilly, what on earth did I have to wear?

The problem with reaching new territory in terms of weight is that I don't necessarily have clothes in the wardrobe that I need any more. At one stage I had jeans in every size from 34-48 inch, tops from M-XXL. A clearout last year got rid of my supersize gear but having only been this sort of weight for two weeks of my adult life, I'm rather short on suitable clothing for winter mornings.

I've been getting by with 36 inch trousers for work, held up by a belt I bought a few weeks back. Incidentally, I've had to move from the first hole on that belt to the fifth already, so I may have to invest in another one soon! M sized smart shirts have been the order of the day for wearing to the office, but yesterday morning that would not have done because it was blimming cold. I went through all of the knitwear I own, and narrowed down the the L sized garments, as I currently don't have anything in M. They were loose, baggy and not going to be very effective. I settled on the least bad, but it was a makeshift solution. If I plan to maintain or lose further weight, a bit of retail therapy will be justified.

As The Smiths once sang, 'I would go out tonight, but I haven't got a stitch to wear' - two young kids rather restricts the going out, but it would be nice to have some clothes to show off the new and improved figure. Think I'll be hitting the Christmas sales in a few weeks time.
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