Tuesday 9 April 2013

My own worst enemy

So tomorrow is another weigh-in, and I have to be honest when I say I'm not looking forward to it. I got back onto the diet last week, but fell foul of bacon sandwiches, lasagne, cake bars and whatever else I could lay my hands on at the weekend. I felt pretty grim as a result and vowed to pick things up again on Monday. Only I didn't.

On a lunchtime trip to LIDL to track down some discounted Pepsi Max or equivalent, I made the mistake of heading down the aisle which contains their weird and wonderful collection of biscuits. I'm sorry to say that I did not resist. Two packets were bought (fig rolls and chocolate chip cookies), two packets were consumed with ease.

I wasn't hungry. I didn't particularly want to eat biscuits, but I saw them there and knew what would happen next. Sometimes I can be my own worst enemy, which is why I have to abstain from bad stuff when dieting. The results when I don't aren't all that pretty.

So I go into the weigh-in on Wednesday expecting the worst. If I want to reach my target weightloss, I can't have too many more needless binges like this. Still, here is a bit of Lit to lighten the mood.

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