Wednesday 1 January 2014

Time for a Dryathlon

Happy New Year one and all. I wish you and your loved ones all the best for a prosperous 2014.

To get your year started in a good way, why not join Dryathlon? If you're like me and a bit boozed out after Christmas, consider going alcohol free during January to give your body a bit of a detox and possibly lose a few pounds to boot. You obviously don't have to do this in the name of charity.... to be honest I'd rather you spent your beer budget sponsoring me for my little event in March, but I'd highly recommend starting your year with a bit of abstinence.

Sexy headbands

I stumbled upon this formula some years ago and have regularly been dry in January ever since. It wasn't because of any great desire to lose weight. It was more the fact I drank far too much at a late December party as a teenager and the consequences of that night led me away from alcohol for some time! In every year I've started out with the intention to lose weight, a January booze ban has been a staple part of the diet.

Give it a go, and see how you get on. Don't forget to let me know your results.

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