In the days before the internet and Football Manager, I used to be an avid reader. One of my favourite authors was Stephen King, which I blame mostly on my sister for renting the movie of IT from the Videobox when I was about 10 or 11. You may recall the particularly creepy clown called Pennywise who tormented children by informing them about balloons that "all float" - and if you don't here he is in his full glory
One of King's lesser known books, possibly because the film made of it paled in comparison with The Shining or Carrie, was Thinner. The lead character was an overweight gentleman called Billy Halleck, who kills a gypsy woman with his car, before acquiring a curse that causes him to lose weight. Uncontrollably. When trying to eat more to compensate for the weightloss, it only helped to speed up the process.
I'm starting to wonder if I've knocked down a gypsy woman and had a similar curse bestowed upon me. After a weekend which was firmly in the feast category rather than famine, I expected to have gained a pound or two. Instead, I've lost a pound, taking me down to 14st 2lb.
Thinner! |
I was speaking to an industry colleague last week who used to be a personal trainer in another life. He suggested that I have sped up my metabolism, through earlier weightloss and the uptake of aerobic exercise. This probably makes more sense in explaining the scales this week than putting it down to a hit and run incident with an old crone. I'm not going to take it for granted that I can eat what I want and get away with it, because that sort of thinking is what has caused my to regain weight after previous diets. But it is reassuring to think that the occasional blowout doesn't necessarily lead to weight gain.
So the scales today put me at 14st 2lbs. There are only 4 Wednesday weigh-ins remaining in 2013. Can I sneak under 14 stone by Christmas Day? We'll have to see. It wouldn't be a horror story if I don't, but would make for a happy ending to a year of hard graft.
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