Wednesday 2 October 2013

Wednesday Weigh-In - 2 October

No much to report this week on the diet front. The scales have stayed where they were last week, keeping me at 15st 2lbs. That may come as a surprise given my lengthy jog at the weekend, but it makes perfect sense to me. Anything I lost in the course of that hour will have been offset by eating more in the days leading up to the race to build up energy supplies, and through enjoying a few cold cans on Sunday night to toast my success.

No Score Draw
With the race over and target weightloss for the year already surpassed, there could be an urge to slack off. I will admit my motivation is not as high as it was, but as far I'm concerned there is still work to do. I'd love to get below 15st in the next couple of weeks so have set myself that little target. If I reach that, I'll have to take things from there.

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