Monday 13 January 2014

Now is not the time to be Dappy

Have you ever thought what life would be like if you were to swap places with a TV character? You could find yourself running The Queen Vic, avoiding Dappy’s advances on Celebrity Big Brother or be twirled around the ballroom in the arms of Brendan Cole.

If I had the chance to switch into a role right now, I’d pick Sam Beckett. I’d want to go back in time, to put right what once went wrong. If Ziggy was dialling up percentages for me right now, I’d be told it would take a Quantum Leap for me to lose weight this week.

So what has gone wrong? I’m not quite sure I could put a trigger on it. All I know is I’ve resembled a pig throughout the weekend, and couldn’t keep my snout from the trough. I avoided alcohol as has been my plan for the whole of January, but I think a can or two would have been preferable compared to the amount of garbage I’ve consumed. Crisps. Toast. Chocolate Brazilnuts. The best part of half a tin of roses. It hasn’t been my finest hour.

And yet the weekend had started so positively. Despite the ground conditions remaining less than favourable, I chalked up another PB forthe 5k. A mere 2 seconds off, but considering the previous effort nearly killed me and I was feeling pretty fresh afterwards this time around suggests I’ve further room for improvement. But that was the high point of the weekend. The rest of it was all about eating junk.

Now is not the time to be dappy. There is plenty of work to be done this week. The plan is to get things back on track, get out for a few evening runs and grin and bear what the scales display on Wednesday morning. I’m not going to waste my time kicking myself for a slack weekend, as I can’t jump back into the past. When things don’t go according to plan, it is more important to focus on what you can change, rather than dwell on mistakes. Lots of spinach today then.

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