Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Wednesday Weigh-In - 20 March

I know you're expecting to see a photo of my toes on bathroom scales. It is Wednesday after all and that means weigh-in day. Lets just say that things are on hold until later as there wasn't the opportunity to get weighed this morning. With two boys in the house you don't expect to have the chance to oversleep, but somehow that is exactly what happened today, leading to a mad rush to get the baby to his neurosurgeon appointment. Got there we did, just about, with the weigh-in and breakfast among many things to get cast aside to ensure that happened.

Rather than wait until next week, I think I'll break my rules and adopt a Thursday weigh-in tomorrow. After a bit of an up and down week I'm feeling pretty confident to have dipped back under 17st, but I just guess we'll have to wait and see.

On the upside, despite a stressful morning I can be proud of myself for turning down cake. A charity sale just went through my office and rather than get something for me, something nice was bought for one of my colleagues. Lucky them and well done me.
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