Monday, 4 March 2013

Get back to what you know

When I started writing this blog at the start of the year, I always knew there was a cloud hovering above February that would likely effect both the diet and my ability to pen content. That cloud came to be on 11 Feb in the form of a 7lb 1oz baby boy. Under normal circumstances a new family addition will alter your usual routine, and as you'll have noted from the blog so far, my dieting success comes off the back of consistent behaviour. With that in mind, plus the knowledge that Jacob's arrival brought additional concerns, I benched the diet for the last three weeks. Today things will get back to normal.

My paternity leave plus an additional week of leave has been and gone, and today I head back to the office. I strongly suspect I'll be spending most of the day talking about babies and hospitals rather than be particularly productive, but whereas I can't control my colleagues wanting to know everything about Jacob's adventure to date, what I can do is regain control of my food intake. I've just started my day with a bowl of porridge with a banana and plan to get back on track with a view to weigh-in on Wednesday.

After initially keeping relatively healthy during my time off, the last week or so has descended into cake, crisps and chocolate. They are no longer on my menu. A return to three steady meals a day will replace eating at will. I voluntarily climbed off this dieting horse, but now I'm determined to get back in the saddle and resume where I left off.

When you find a weightloss formula that works for you, stick with it. That is what I am doing today, going back to what I know. A wee bit of sleep deprivation may present a challenge, but dieting was never supposed to be easy.
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