Yesterday I wasn't sure of what to expect from the scales today. Over the course of my last few posts, the theme has been doom and gloom, annoyed with myself for letting things slip with a few hefty meals over the weekend.
I don't know how it has read to you, but all my pontificating has probably placed me close to the diva in the snickers advert.
And so here I am on a Wednesday reporting on my latest weigh in and feel something of a fraud. I've not gained weight, nor have I stayed the same. I'm 3 lbs lighter than I was this time last week.
That is 16lbs gone in total in 4 weeks. A fantastic start to the year and something to build on in the coming months.
February will present challenges. In less that two weeks I'll become a dad for the second time. In normal circumstances that is enough to dispense with regular eating habits, but as those of you who are close to me will already know, there are some difficult days ahead.
I'm therefore very pleased with my progress to date which will allow some breathing space over the next month on the diet front. I plan to eat as healthily as possible, but will only be able to do so where practical.
Still another 12 days left before life changes. 12 more days to keep up the good work.
Fantastic result! Well done you must be so pleased!
ReplyDeleteMore surprised than anything else, but not complaining!