Wednesday 5 March 2014

Wednesday Weigh-In - 5 March

Another quiet week for the blog, though this time due to circumstance rather than grand design. The little man was poorly at the end of last week and the earlier part of the weekend meaning I spent a lot of time with him and not a lot with the laptop. Rightly so.

Having had a big loss last week, spending time with an unwell munchkin did not bode particularly well for the waistline. The day and a half I took off work to care for him gave me a green light to feast and I didn't really hold back. Fortunately I gave myself some additional wriggle room last Wednesday night by running for just under 10 miles, my longest training session yet, which helped clear the way for medicinal toast and crisps. With a couple of shorter runs thrown in on Sunday morning and Tuesday night, and more controlled eating since the weekend, I struck a reasonable balance.

The net result of the last 7 days is a 1lb loss taking me down to 13st 12lbs.

I'll sound like a broken record, but this again is the lightest I've been. I see the irony in that being the case as my chair at work starting to disintegrate under my weight this week. It used to support me when I was 10 stone heavier, but the fabric started to pull apart on Monday and I could feel myself sinking into it. When I was a bigger man I used to break things with regularity, particularly toilet seats and wooden furniture (I was the nemesis of Ikea futons). It brought a wry smile to think that in my current size, my chair should start to give up the ghost.

I've got my industry awards to look forward to on Friday. To leave with the award for my category would be nice, though I'm already salivating at the thought of the Bento Box buffet and a couple of celebratory/commiseration drinks. Follow #NUEAwards on Friday from 2pm if you want to see how I get on.

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  1. Well done with the consistent weightloss and good luck with the awards :)

  2. Congratulations on a great weight loss and keeping it up!

    I definitely know the terror of toilet seats breaking though was around one a month in our house


  3. Oh the toilet seat thing - very almost blogged about this today and bottled it so very pleased to see I am not the only one.
    You are an inspiration on the weight loss front - thanks

  4. Thanks for the comments guys.

    On the toilet seat front, we had quite a period there where the two of us just weren't compatible. Even now a number of years later and many stones lighter, I'm still so paranoid about breaking them that when it comes to Andrex time I will always stand up. Silly I know, but true.

  5. Good luck with the awards. With this weight loss and exercise routine, hopefully, you've given yourself wiggle room to have a little fun WHEN you win an award!
    (thanks for the comment on my blog, I'm going to smash it this week) x

  6. Well done! Good luck with the award :-)

  7. You have done so, so, well. Congrats on being the lightest you have for years. Hope the awards went well and we'll see you join in tomorrow :)
