Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Wednesday Weigh-In - 9 April

Last week's scales leap didn't really come as a surprise. Eat more than your body needs and take away your regular source of exercise and that sort of thing will happen. Last Wednesday I was feeling seriously run down. Later that day little man was sent home poorly from nursery and prescribed antibiotics, meaning more interrupted nights and a day off work on Thursday while he was embargoed. Not exactly what I needed. By Friday morning I was feeling pretty rough myself and struggled through a meeting in London and tied up some loose ends at work before abandoning ship in search of a bed where I wanted to curl up and cry.

As it turned out, with a rare opportunity to go to the pub as a couple, my wife and I still made it out for a couple of hours rather than waste the use of a babysitter. I managed half a J2O before I started falling asleep at the table in mid conversation. Last of the hardcore drinkers is not a title I can associate with myself these days!

The last time I checked the scales was on Saturday and they read 14st 3lbs, a reflection that I'd been well off my food in the previous 24 hours rather than dieting like a boss since the last official weigh-in. My appetite hasn't really picked up much since then as I've continued to be under the weather. The little man has been a bit more co-operative over the last two nights, though on both occasions I've still ended up leaving my bed midway through the night and settled down with him.

Thoughts are already shifting towards my next fundraising challenge. I'm signed up for a half marathon in London in October, which hopefully gives me enough time to rehab my knee and get it ready for some serious mileage again. I'd been looking forward to participating without the pressure of doing so for a charity, but having spent the last couple of days at Brainwave Centre so my little man could be assessed, I get the feeling October's run will end up as a means to generate funds for his continuing involvement in the programme. In a nutshell, they help kids who have had a difficult start to life to achieve their potential. Over 2 days we sat through a number of physio sessions, joined in with hydrotherapy and came away with a tailored workout that will hopefully help with his physical and emotional development.

Back to me and the diet, I'm not overly worried about the waistline. I didn't want to get unwell but it was rather inevitable having been around a snotty toddler with very little escape. The one good thing about feeling so rough is it has put an end to the constant hand to mouth activity that had become habit in the past fortnight. Post Easter I'll assess the damage and take things from there. In the meantime, hopefully the germs clear up and the appetite will return. Just not too much!
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  1. Oh dear I hope you're all feeling better now, next time you have a babysitter you'll hopefully have more luck and stay awake for two J20's! ;) #wobbleswednesday

  2. well its not been a great week by all accounts then! i am sending lots of hugs and hope your feeling more energised soon

  3. Hope you feel better soon and that your boy continues to feel better too. Hopefully I will join up next week and we will both have positive outcomes! x

  4. Hope you're feeling better now and your little man is okay too. Sorry for the extremely late comment and have a fab Easter :)
