Monday, 9 June 2014

Hour of Power?

A selfie too far?
Hello everyone. Hope you enjoyed the sunshine over the weekend. It was nice to spend a bit of time in the garden with the boys, particularly playing football with my eldest who seems to be really getting into just ahead of the World Cup. Unfortunately while the weather was pretty good, my appetite for the unhealthy showed now sign of abating, despite my lovely wife doing brilliantly with her diet plan. Lots of secret snacking and not being as supportive as I really should be.

So today it was important to get the week off to a good start as a means to move forward, and with only a couple of hours left it is a question of so far so good. Weetabix for breakfast, salad for lunch, avoiding buying anything supplementary when I popped to Tesco to buy some bits and bobs, plus a pasta dinner this evening.

The photo at the top of the page says quite a lot too. Firstly, I am clearly not cut out for being the focus of selfies. Second, I'm in desperate need of a haircut, and finally, I've spent a bit of tonight down the gym. Just over an hour in fact of cardio split between treadmill, cross trainer and reclined bike. Seeing as I've not yet quite got the diet back on track, the way forward in the short term is to build up a sweat.

I certainly did that tonight before being blessed with a refreshing summer shower on the way back to the car. My knee and back are still holding up, and there were far fewer complaints from my body about being put to work than there were on Thursday when everything felt extremely tight. Apparently I have 124 days until the Royal Park Half marathon, and that will come around in no time at all. The focus for the next few weeks is going to be on general fitness, trying to lose the extra lbs I've acquired in the last couple of months. I've another 8 gym sessions to use from my pass which will take me up nicely to my holiday. After that, August and September will be about getting miles in my legs and building up towards race fitness for October.

Enhanced by Zemanta

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Deal of the Day

When I woke up this morning I feared for another long unproductive day. 5.51 was not the time I had set on my alarm to get me up, but the little man decided it was good enough for him. Not the best way to start the day and hardly the ideal way to get me out of my recent slump. However, shortly after waving goodbye to my wife and youngest, I saw something on my phone that caught my attention.

I signed up for a Groupon account a few years back, but have made a grand total of two purchases from them since. Every morning, I go through a daily ritual of deleting their emails, mostly without even bothering to open them, but today there was one that merited a second look. There was a deal offering 10 gym sessions at LA Fitness for £19. Having given up my gym membership last August, and not found a way back into my running gear since March, this offered me a different route back to fitness.

It's a gym on trading estate - glamorous it is not
I double checked to make sure that my local gym was included in the deal and upon confirmation that it was, I signed up. This evening after putting the boys to bed, I 'enjoyed' a 45 minutes cardio session consisting of treadmill, exercise bike and step machine, which I had foolishly mistaken for a cross trainer. It is pretty clear that a few months off have seen my fitness levels drop sharply, but I'm hoping that these 10 workouts will help get me back into an exercise rhythm before I start focusing on training for my next half marathon in October.

As I write this, I feel a little weary. Partly due to the early morning alarm call, partly from making use of muscles that have forgotten what it is like to be used.  Little man permitting, I'll sleep well tonight knowing that I've taken the first steps to arrest my recent slump and can look forward to workout number 2.

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

All Quiet on the Weight Loss Front

Readers who have been following this blog over the past 18 months will have become accustomed to my impromptu silent patches. Over the past few weeks, I've neglected the site and my recent online inactivity has rather reflected the general air of apathy that has surrounded me. Dieting has not been on the agenda, exercise has barely featured and at times I've made for pretty miserable company. But rather than focus on the negativity, here is a summary of the good stuff that has been happening of late.

I spent a couple of days in Leeds for an industry conference. I jest on my Twitter profile that I am a 'placement celeb' but just as with the awards I went to in March, the PlaceNet conference is a place where I feel respected and validated. I kept to my promise to investigate the hotel gym, and managed two short sessions on the treadmill. Both were a bit struggle if I'm honest, primarily through being my first runs in two months, but my knee and back held up without niggle which means as soon as I can rediscover my mojo, the serious exercise can recommence.

The Bank Holiday weekend was a proper family affair with my clan heading off to Norfolk for a few days in a caravan. My eldest loves family time and in particular the 2p machines that a seaside resort has to offer. It was good to get away, though the sleeping arrangements with the nocturnal child meant it was quite a tiring trip. I camped out with him in the lounge on a pull out bed, which wasn't particularly comfortable. The curtains were next to useless in blacking out the daylight and I was rather rudely awakened by little man every morning, far earlier than I would have liked.

Last weekend I had the rare opportunity to catch up with the Australian branch of my family. My Uncle is a few years younger than my dad if he were alive, and from my perspective is always nice to see him, to give me an idea of what my father would be like had he not passed away all those years ago. It was pleasure to see my cousin for the first time in ages, meet her husband and little girl, and watch our kids play in the garden together.

All sounds good doesn't it? And while that stuff was all great, I've generally felt gloomy. Doing the conference and caravan back to back and heading to work the next morning left me pretty jaded. Tiredness leads to bad behaviour on the food front. Throw in some post-conference blues and I found myself in a pretty miserable place. I spent the weekend with my head all over the place, contemplating my immediate future and could quite easily have made some hasty decisions about my career. Probably just as well I got a reasonable night sleep before heading to work Monday morning.

Things are starting to become a little more positive as the week goes on. Some of my worries from recent days have subsided. My wife has started a diet and I'm theoretically being supportive. I say theoretically as tonight I've had a beer watching the football while she has been swimming. I had a meeting yesterday with someone who I had not met before. We both said that we were dieting and he just looked at me as if I was some wafer thin girl complaining about the size of her non-existent bum. Even though I've gained weight since the half marathon in March, I guess outside my own mind, I'm still looking pretty good.

Although today is a Wednesday and therefore by tradition weigh in day, I only took a cursory look at the scales this morning and didn't take the phone with me to record the evidence. For the sake of transparency, they told me I'm 14st 10lbs which isn't quite as bad as I had feared. Given I was hoping to be 14st dead by the time my birthday comes around in July, I've got some work to do. That target seems pretty unrealistic now but with my wife watching what she is eating, I'm more likely to do the same. My running shoes were glaring at me accusingly earlier on, and I think I'm getting the itch to pull them on again. Once I get started I know I'll get right back into it. Just a question of taking that first step and pushing myself to get going.

All being well the weigh-in will return next week.