Wednesday 19 March 2014

Wednesday Weigh-In - 19 March

The blog has been uncharacteristically quiet of late. Last week was the first missed weigh-in for some time. That was planned, knowing that I was going to spend most of the day in hospitals or playing taxi to get to appointments with the little one. While I sneaked a look at the scales before we set off for his MRI, I never really planned to blog because it was going to be a very long day. So it proved to be.

The appointments themselves were fine, though with the MRI delayed by almost 2 hours (yes, I know, try explaining to a 13 month old why you are continuing to starve him), our leisurely transfer from one hospital to another turned into a mad scramble across the city to arrive in time. Throw in some heavy traffic as I tried in vain to get home in time to pick up big brother from his after school club and it is safe to say it was a pretty draining experience. When my wife suggested going for a carvery, the only answer was yes.

However, as brain sapping a day of hospital appointments can be, what followed next made any annoyance at the long day feel completely trivial. I knew that my month old niece was very poorly and had been admitted to hospital, and she was very much in my thoughts and prayers. My wife received a call from her brother saying that she needed to come now, with the doctors offering very little hope. The little girl was receiving treatment for meningitis and the outlook was grim, I won't go into further detail as it is not my place to do so, but it is safe to say we all feared the worst.

And so with that in the background, any thoughts about watching what I was eating pushed well down the priority list. There are many more important things in life than worrying about calories or how the scales will look on a Wednesday morning. It certainly didn't feel right to be writing about such things in the circumstances and so in the short term I benched the blog.

Thankfully a lot of prayers appear to have been answered. From the brink of despair in the middle of last week, that little girl has been proving the doctors wrong. Things are looking more positive and while there are still questions yet to be answered, it is incredible what difference a few days can make. If you're so inclined, a little prayer still won't go amiss.

Back to me then, and there is no weigh-in to report this week. I've not been dieting and it is not so much a question of worrying what the scales may say as much as not caring. There are plenty more Wednesday's in 2014 which I'll be reporting on, so consider this a brief hiatus rather than an extended break. I've the small matter of the half marathon on Saturday morning and my next post will likely follow that. I've more than 700 good reasons to be cheerful thanks to my wonderful sponsors and their support and generosity will spur me on to the finish line.


  1. Sounds like you've got a VERY good reason to have missed your weigh-in. There's a lot in life that is much more important. And you have my prayers for that little girl. May she continue to prove the doctors wrong and make a full recovery xxx

  2. Wow sounds like a stressful week and your right there are things much more important then scales in life. Good luck with your half marathon on Saturday. #wobbleswednesday

  3. Gosh that is stressful - and completely understandable :S I do hope she makes a full recovery. Good luck with your marathon.

  4. How stressful your week sounds! Hope she makes a full recovery and you do fab in your half marathon


  5. Every thought and prayer goes out to your neice. Lets hope recovery is quick and full. As for your weigh in.......plenty more Wednesdays, as you say x

  6. So true, Graham, plenty more Wednesdays and your (very) stressful week takes priority over the scales, I hope things are calmer now.
