Monday 3 February 2014

Enter February

So January came and went. All in all I had a pretty productive month. Christmas weight dealt with. Half marathon training taken up a few notches despite a pause for some lurgies. Barring the first couple of hours of New Years Day, I remained alcohol free. With the calendar rotating into February, I wasted no time in getting my hands on a nice cold beverage, followed by another.

A massive two cans of Strongbow consumed on a Saturday night, following a near 11k run. I didn't exactly push the boat out to celebrate the end of Dryathlon. When I think back to my younger days when I could drink like a horse, I rather shake my head and wonder where I used to put it all. Pint after pint after pint, followed by the inevitable kebab or large portion of fried chicken. While a Saturday night in front of Nick Knowles and a lottery show isn't exactly the height of entertainment, I'm happier spending my weekends in a low-key fashion than piling on the pounds down the pub.

I've dug out a photo of me in my mid-20s from a boozy weekend with friends. I'm stood pint in hand next to the Stag, who is wearing a lairy shirt with inflatable sheep to boot. I had to take a second look when I was flicking through this photo collection as in some cases I didn't instantly recognise myself. Certainly this is not one of my prettier images from yesteryear. Hard to believe the same guy will be running a half marathon in a matter of weeks.

BigFatRebel in his full glory
It wasn't alcohol in isolation that saw me rise to 24 stone, but it was certainly a contributory factor. Reducing my booze intake when trying to lose weight has been invaluable. If you want to shed a few pounds without having to go hungry, cutting back on an evening beer or glass of wine is an easy way to get started.


  1. Thanks for linking up on the Sunday weigh-in. I've been reading through your older posts - you've done amazingly :)

  2. Thanks Cheryl! Hope to become a regular on the Sunday weigh-in linky

  3. I have a photo taken just before Christmas, I'm hoping to look back on it in shock next Christmas lol
