Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Knowing when enough is enough

This evening I had a new experience when it came to food. I've always been someone who will finish a plate of food. If someone else leaves food on their plate, I'm the sort to finish things off for them too. This perhaps goes some way to explain why I've always been on the large side, but quite simply I can't bear to see the sight of good food going in the dustbin.

Tonight however was different. I made myself a vegetable chilli, with a salad garnish. I gave myself a pretty generous portion as I've been feeling those hunger gremlins sneaking back into my day and so decided to listen to my body. It may be weigh-in day tomorrow, but I need the energy to get through to tomorrow without looking for something extra.

But half way through my bowl of chilli, I was done. I couldn't physically put any more into my mouth. My brain and stomach for the first time in my life were telling me that I didn't need to eat any more. I guess I could have had this signal sent before but it was always masked by the desire to see a clean plate.

Maybe it was just that the food wasn't great. It certainly wasn't my best effort and I wouldn't look to cook the same thing again. But maybe, just maybe, I'm starting to get used to the idea of eating less and my body telling me when it is time to stop. I have never mastered the art of knowing when enough is enough. If that is what happened this evening, it would be a very welcome development.
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